Board Chair &
CEO Message
As we reflect on the past year, we are reminded of the incredible challenges we have all faced in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the toxic drug crisis, the social and health impacts of systemic racism, climate change and ever-increasing inequality in our city. Despite these challenges, our community has shown remarkable strength, and an inspiring commitment to partnership and collaboration. Over the past year, SRCHC has demonstrated its commitment to equity and social justice, and we have heard again and again how important these values, based on love and kindness, are for our communities.
At SRCHC, we are grateful for the opportunity to have been able to play a vital role in supporting our community through these difficult times. From providing essential harm reduction, mental health, health promotion, and primary health care services, our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that those most in need have access to the care and resources they need.

Providing relief from symptoms and stress of illness
Community Health Is Built on Collective Kindness
Cross organizational partnership to support care coordination
Kindness and love are at the root of harm reduction
Year in Review
Statistics at a Glance




The Evolution
of Our Strategic DirectionsSRCHC’s values and strategic directions were reviewed through a process led by our board in partnership with staff, clients, partners and community. The biggest changes that we made to our strategic plan was the articulation of our values. Our vision of “empowered, healthy, thriving communities where everyone belongs” can only be realized if the centre’s work is guided by:
- Commitment to Reconciliation & Relationship with Indigenous people, communities and organizations.
- Advocating for Health Equity & Social Justice by aiming to avoid differences in the social determinants of health.
- Meaningful Engagement that involves engaging stakeholders in ways that privilege and position does not dictate who contributes when planning, implementing, and evaluating our services.
- Taking a Holistic Approach that includes an understanding of the diversity of human experience that shapes health and importance of the individual’s right to autonomy and choice.
- Embracing Evidence & Values-Informed Practice, responding to community experience and knowledge and championing approaches that inform practice, leadership, and transformative change

The Evolution
of Our Values
Our Minds
will balance the multiple ways to define health.
Our Eyes
will recognize people where they are at.
Our Voices
will rise together for equitable systems.
Our Hearts
will beat in harmony with Indigenous Peoples.
Our Hands
will reach out to fully engage our communities.Financial Highlights
Operating Revenue & Expenses
Thank You to Our Donors & Funders
From April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023Adam Wasserman
Adwoa K. Buahene
Alex Ross
Allison Buchan-Terrell
Andrea Noack
Ann Peel
Artists’ Network
Bonny Mak
Brittany Cuthbert
Carol Coiffe
Christian Negre
Claudia Calabro
Courtney Siu
Darya Greengarten
Doria Baldwin
Dorian Baldwin
Dr. Sarah Griffiths Professional Medicine Corp
Emma Reel
Fidelity Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Ontario
Gantavya Khanna
Gavin Wardle
Gotam Bhardwaj
Gotamago Inc.
Green Standards Ltd.
Gurpreet Karir
Helene Issayevitch
Hilary Evans Cameron
Holly Huizenga
Iain Charles Mcbride
Ivi Egalik
Jayne Caldwell
Jean-Wen Ko
John Schell
Julia Horel
Kristen Yee
Krysten Caddy
Laura Pazzano
Laurie Poole
Leah Eyles
Leslie Middaugh
Linda Rozmovits
Linn Clark
Margaret Andres
Marilyn Pepper
Mark Homer
Matthew Bruce
Matthew Jaekel
Merleen Willis
Michael Brent
Michele Harding
Perry Caicco
Peter Duckworth-Pilkington
Phil Gazaleh
Ravi Yee Joshi
Robert Guerra
Sabina Latendorf
Samantha Yang
Sharon and Gordon Stang
Stephanie Penthor
Steven Little
Sudhir Joshi
Surkhab Peerzada
Valerie Longstaff
Zach Mathew
Key Funders