Board Chair & CEO Message


Dear Members of the South Riverdale Community Health Centre,

As we reflect on the past year, we are reminded of the incredible challenges we have all faced in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the toxic drug crisis, the social and health impacts of systemic racism, climate change and ever-increasing inequality in our city. Despite these challenges, our community has shown remarkable strength, and an inspiring commitment to partnership and collaboration. Over the past year, SRCHC has demonstrated its commitment to equity and social justice, and we have heard again and again how important these values, based on love and kindness, are for our communities.

At SRCHC, we are grateful for the opportunity to have been able to play a vital role in supporting our community through these difficult times. From providing essential harm reduction, mental health, health promotion, and primary health care services, our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that those most in need have access to the care and resources they need.

Looking back over the last year, we are proud of the accomplishments of our health centre. We have expanded our services to reach even more members of the community. We have also developed new and stronger collaborations with our Ontario Health Team partners, with grassroots groups, with our partner Community Health Centres in Toronto, and with organizations across the province and the country.

We remain grounded in our values of meaningful engagement, reconciliation and relationship – these values are at the heart of our work, and are necessary for our collective work of building and supporting healthy and thriving communities.

Reflecting on the last year, we are proud of the accomplishments of our Community Health Centre and strive to continue improving. We look forward to the year ahead, working to build equitable and just communities where everyone belongs.

Jason Altenberg
Chief Executive

Mike Wilson
Board Chair


Board of Directors:
Bella Bereket
Matthew Yun-Chun Cheng
Shelley Darling
Arman Hamidian
Emily Hill
Rebecca Ho
Aparna Kajenthira
Khadija Nakhuda (resigned, January 2023)
Rishma Pradhan
Jen Quito
Mike Wilson
Kristen Yee Joshi