Rising Above with Community Strength
South Riverdale Community Health Centre | 2021 Annual Report![Image](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/220615-SRCHC-AnnualReport2022-website_cover-purplebuildings.gif)
Year in Review
Articles from our Staff![Featured image for “Board Chair & CEO Message”](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-AR-Website-Posts-Board-2.jpg)
Board Chair & CEO Message
![Featured image for “Striving for Community Connection : Togetherness, Healing and Sharing in a Virtual World”](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SALC-Virtual-christmas-2021.jpg)
Striving for Community Connection : Togetherness, Healing and Sharing in a Virtual World
![Featured image for “Addressing Food Insecurity in Toronto’s East End”](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-AR-Website-Posts-Addressing.jpg)
Addressing Food Insecurity in Toronto’s East End
![Featured image for “Responding to and Preventing Overdoses Takes a Multi-Pronged Approach”](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-AR-Website-Posts-Responding.jpg)
Responding to and Preventing Overdoses Takes a Multi-Pronged Approach
![Featured image for “In Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and Dedicated to Truth and Reconciliation”](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-AR-Website-Posts-Solidarity.jpg)
In Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and Dedicated to Truth and Reconciliation
![Featured image for “Shifting Programs and Services to meet Mental Health Needs”](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-AR-Website-Posts-Shifting.jpg)
Shifting Programs and Services to meet Mental Health Needs
![Featured image for “Quality Improvement : Health Equity and Preventative Care”](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-AR-Website-Posts-Quality-2.jpg)
Quality Improvement : Health Equity and Preventative Care
![Featured image for “Mobile Vaccination Efforts to Promote Vaccine Access”](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-AR-Website-Posts-Mobile.jpg)
Mobile Vaccination Efforts to Promote Vaccine Access
The Evolution
of Our Strategic DirectionsSRCHC’s values and strategic directions were reviewed through a process led by our board in partnership with staff, clients, partners and community. The biggest changes that we made to our strategic plan was the articulation of our values. Our vision of “empowered, healthy, thriving communities where everyone belongs” can only be realized if the centre’s work is guided by:
- Commitment to Reconciliation & Relationship with Indigenous people, communities and organizations.
- Advocating for Health Equity & Social Justice by aiming to avoid differences in the social determinants of health.
- Meaningful Engagement that involves engaging stakeholders in ways that privilege and position does not dictate who contributes when planning, implementing, and evaluating our services.
- Taking a Holistic Approach that includes an understanding of the diversity of human experience that shapes health and importance of the individual’s right to autonomy and choice.
- Embracing Evidence & Values-Informed Practice, responding to community experience and knowledge and championing approaches that inform practice, leadership, and transformative change
The Evolution
of Our Values![Image](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-value-mind.png)
Our Minds
will balance the multiple ways to define health.![Image](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-value-eye.png)
Our Eyes
will recognize people where they are at.![Image](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-value-voice.png)
Our Voices
will rise together for equitable systems.![Image](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-value-heart.png)
Our Hearts
will beat in harmony with Indigenous Peoples.![Image](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-values-hands.png)
Our Hands
will reach out to fully engage our communities.Financial Highlights
Operating Revenue & ExpensesYear ended March 31, 2022
Year in Review
Statistics at a Glance![Image](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SRCHC-staticon-sites.png)
Phone Drive
Thank You to Our Donors & Funders
From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022ABYC Walking Lottery Ladies
Adam Wasserman
Adwoa K. Buahene
Afroz Imam
Alan Coulter
Alexandra Jamieson
Alison Kirby
Andrew Kay
Andy Levy
Angelina Law
Ann Peel
Anne Gray
Barbara Gosse
Barry Webster
Bob Wilson
Bryan Dollack
Cameron Gordon
Cate Creede
Catherine Longfield
Charles Gordon
Chris Marcos
Christian Petersen
Christopher Mendoza
Claudia Calabro
Connie Flagg
Courtney Siu
Darcy Martin
David Reville
Debbie Dockray
Declan Williams
Diane Schulman
Dorian Baldwin
Doris Butters
Drew Lehman
Eleanor MacKay
Elizabeth Qualben
Emma Reel
Fred Braches
Gerrard Grace
Gotamago Inc.
Haig DeRusha
Harry Twyford
Heinz Gebers
Helene Issayevitch
Hilary Evans Cameron
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Holly Huizenga
Howard Franklin
Ivi Egalik
Jayne Caldwell
Jeff Beemer
Jeff Dejean
Jenny Chen
Jim Prall
John Dillon
Joyce Guest
Joyce Rankin
Julia Horel
Katherine O’Reilly-Fleming
Katie Hayward
Kevin Scragg
Kristen Yee
Laurie Poole
Leslie Middaugh
Linda Rozmovits
Lisa Dempster
Liz Janzen
Maeve Williams
Margaret Andres
Marjolyn Vanderhart
Mark Homer
Mark Schultz
Matthew Bruce
Matthew Gorman
Matthew Jaekel
Michael Brent
Michael Hren
Michele Harding
Mike Fedryk
Molly Asseltine
Molly Shears
Neil Payne
Noreen Stumpf
Olsy Sorokina
Patrick Flynn
Paul Brennan
Per Erik Dullerud
Peter Duckworth-Pilkington
Rachel Breen
Rahul Bhardwaj
Ravi Joshi
Rexall Home Health Care
Richard Binsley
Rob Hollingsworth
Robert Guerra
Robert J Stevens
Samuel Schachar
Sarah Imrisek
Sheila Cram
Sheri Cohen
Stacey Petersen
Stefani Pandovski
Steven Little
Surkhab Peerzada
Susie Barnett
Thomas Dobronyi
William Jack
Zach Mathew
Zoe Fitzgerald
Key Funders
![Government of Ontario](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-OntarioGovt-EN.jpg)
![Government of Ontario - Ministry of Health](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-OntarioHealth-EN.jpg)
![Health Canada](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-HealthCanada-EN.jpg)
![City of Toronto](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-Toronto-EN.jpg)
![United Way Greater Toronto](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-UnitedWay-EN.jpg)
![Government of Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-OntarioSeniors-EN.jpg)
![Community Food Centres Canada](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-CommunityFoodCentres-EN.jpg)
![Public Health Agency of Canada](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-GovCan-PublicHealth-EN.jpg)
![Employment and Social Development](https://annualreport.srchc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/logo-GovCan-ESDC-EN.jpg)